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Annales islamologiques 40
2006 IFAO
15 p.
gratuit - free of charge
المقرنسات الحمّادية وَوِجهات انتشارها المحتملة فى منطقة الحوض الغربى من البحر الأبيض المتوسّط. Al-muqarnasāt al-ḥammādiyya wa wighāt intišārihā al-muḥtamala fī mintaqat al-ḥawḍ al-ġarbī min al-baḥr al-abyaḍ al-mutawassiṭ.

This essay deals with Ḥammâdid muqarnas at al-Qal‘â city, located thirty-six kilometres north-east of al-M’sila Tower in Algeria. These muqarnas have been neglected by historians since their discovery during 1908-1967 by the greatest German historian of the muqarnas style, J. Rosintal in the first half of 20th century and his compatriot Yvonne Dold Samplonius currently one of the most well-known specialista in al-Kashi muqarnas.

This article begins with a survey of the opinions of historians of Islamic art about the Ḥammâdid muqarnas ; presentation of excavations and the deteriorating condition of the remains ; interpretation and re-composition of its original order ; and its technical influence on the sites in the Mediterranean, especially those found in Morocco, Andalus and Normand Sicily.

However Ḥammâdid muqarnas according to Oleg Grabar (1978), was a major regional center for muqarnas manufacture and its export to adjacent areas.